37 Towers – only 8 of the easement owners live in the area

Facebook posts from concerned citizens in the Mayfield & Turkey Ridge area.

“37 Towers – 19 Easements signed and only 8 of the easement owners live in the area of Mayfield and Turkey Valley!”  Cassie Richelieu


Description of Map: The map shows the area of Mayfield and Turkey Valley. The pink dots represent the people who live and/or own property in the area. The green dots are the planned wind turbines.

“If you’re within a mile or two from a wind turbine you’re subject to flying debris and fire from burning turbines not to mention paying up for lawsuits to get them to clean up their mess which they may or may not do. Is this really a gamble taxpayers want to pay for and allow in our county when the power won’t be used by us but will increase our electricity bills, taxes and decrease property values?” Jake McManus