Hoosier State vs. Deep State
Private property owners are fighting for their constitutional rights in the Hoosier State — and could be fighting for their lives — over carbon-capture pipeline and injection site proposals. World government plotters have already broken ground on a World Economic Forum-inspired 15-minute city near Lebanon, Indiana, as well.
Jon Schrock, regional field coordinator for The John Birch Society, is leading the defensive charge through a series of meetings in each of the affected counties. During a drive between locations, he discussed the issue and his progress in rallying landowners to defend their property against these tactics, which are all a part of the UN’s Agenda 2030.
Schrock: The battlefront has come to the western portion of Indiana. We have multiple counties that are being looked at by several different companies, ranging from Gary, Indiana, all the way down to Terre Haute, Indiana. We have companies such as Valero, BP, Tenaska, and Wabash Valley Resources looking to install carbon-capture pipelines.
Seismic testing is occurring in White County currently. They have finished Jasper County, Benton County, and are looking at doing other seismic testing. They are beginning the land-acquisition process.
So getting people together means we have community individuals who are taking the bull by the horns and getting involved. Tuesday night, an owner of a local company in Jasper County rented out a local fairground to host a meeting about Agenda 2030. They’re not only dealing with thousands of acres of solar farms and miles of carbon-capture pipelines, but also with carbon-sequestration injection wells.
We know that those are interconnected in Agenda 2030. What we’re doing is explaining this to people by holding local meetings in each county.
A lot of people had never heard of Agenda 2030. I did a show of hands Tuesday evening. Only a handful were familiar.
If our citizenry does not know about Agenda 2030, they will not go and spur their state officials to become involved with nullification to stop Agenda 2030 when it comes to their respective states.
We had county elected officials there. They are going to be able to stop this at the county level once they understand the conspiracy behind this — the workings, the framework that is coming to their local areas