In Yankton County, SD the first meeting to protect personal property rights is Tuesday, July 9th at 7:00pm at the Government Center in Yankton. The Planning and Zoning Board is meeting to vote on an updated wind ordinance which contains new rules and guidelines for energy companies who are looking to build large wind complexes locally. This proposed ordinance reflects a fair balance between all entities and their interests, especially much needed protection for private landowners who will live among the turbines.
Your attendance and voice are needed to make sure this updated ordinance stands “as is” and is not “watered down” to favor the deep pockets of private companies. A majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Board on July 9th will pass the ordinance to the County Commission for their consideration and approval in August.
If you have any questions call Cindy at 605-660-5153 or email YanktonCountyNotForSale@
The proposed wind ordinance link is included below.